The Shape Expressions (ShEx) language describes RDF nodes and graph structures. A node constraint describes an RDF node (IRI, blank node or literal) and a shape describes the triples involving nodes in an RDF graph. These descriptions identify predicates and their associated cardinalities and datatypes. ShEx shapes can be used to communicate data structures associated with some process or interface, generate or validate data, or drive user interfaces.

This document defines the ShEx language. See the Shape Expressions Primer for a non-normative description of ShEx.

RDF, Schema, Shape Expressions, Structure Definition, Structural Validation

This is an editor's draft of the Shape Expressions specification. ShEx 2.x differs significantly from the W3C ShEx Submission. The July 2017 publication included a definition of validation which implied infinite recursion. This version explicitly includes recursion checks. No tests changed as a result of this and no implementations or applications are known to have been affected.

If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please raise them as GitHub issues. There are separate interfaces for specification, language and test issues. Only send comments to (subscribe, archives) if you are unable to raise issues on GitHub. All comments are welcome.


Conformance criteria are relevant to authors and authoring tool implementers. As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

All ShEx documents MUST conform to the Schema Requirements. Additional constraints for the specific types of ShEx documents (ShExC, ShExJ, and ShExR) follow:


The Shape Expressions (ShEx) language provides a structural schema for RDF data. This can be used to document APIs or datasets, aid in development of API-conformant messages, minimize defensive programming, guide user interfaces, or anything else that involves a machine-readable description of data organization and typing requirements.

ShEx describes RDF graph [[RDF11-CONCEPTS]] structures as sets of potentially connected Shapes. These constrain the triples involving nodes in an RDF graph. Node Constraints constrain RDF nodes by constraining their node kind (IRI, blank node or Literal), enumerating permissible values in value sets, specifying their datatype, and constraining value ranges of Literals. Additionally, they constrain lexical forms of Literals, IRIs and labeled blank nodes. Shape Expressions schemas share blank nodes with the constrained RDF graphs in the same way that graphs in RDF datasets [[!rdf11-concepts]] share blank nodes.

ShEx can be represented in JSON structures (ShExJ) or a compact syntax (ShExC). The compact syntax is intended for human consumption; the JSON structure for machine processing. This document defines ShEx in terms of ShExJ and includes a section on the ShEx Compact Syntax (ShEx).

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations


Shape expressions are defined using terms from RDF semantics [[!rdf11-mt]]:

The following functions access the elements of an RDF graph G containing a node n:

Consider the RDF graph G represented in Turtle:

PREFIX ex: http://schema.example/#
PREFIX inst: http://inst.example/#
PREFIX foaf:

    ex:state      ex:unassigned ;
    ex:reportedBy _:User2 .

    foaf:name     "Bob Smith" ;
    foaf:mbox     <> .

There are two arcs out of _:User2; arcsOut(G, _:User2):

            _:User2  foaf:name  "Bob Smith" .
            _:User2  foaf:mbox  <> .

There is one arc into _:User2; arcsIn(G, _:User2):

            inst:Issue1 ex:reportedBy  _:User2 .

There are three arcs in the neighbourhood of _:User2 set, neigh(G, _:User2):

            _:User2  foaf:name  "Bob Smith" .
            _:User2  foaf:mbox  <> .
            inst:Issue1 ex:reportedBy  _:User2 .

Acronyms And Abbreviations

BNF Backus Naur Form
CSS Cascading Stylesheets
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
IRI Internationalized Resource Identifier
RDF Resource Description Framework
ShEx Shape Expressions RDF schema language
ShExC ShEx Compact syntax
ShExJ ShEx JSON (or JSON-LD) syntax
ShExR ShEx RDF syntax
SPARQL RDF Query Language
URL Uniform Resource Locator
UTF-8 Unicode Transformation Format
XML Extensible Markup Language
XPath Path Language for XML


The JSON [[!rfc7159]] Syntax serves as a serializable proxy for an abstract syntax.

RDF terms are represented as JSON-LD nodes.

JSON Grammar

This specification uses a JSON grammar to describe the set of JSON documents that can be interpreted as a ShEx schema. ShEx data structures are represented as JSON objects with a member with the name "type" (i.e. an object with a type attribute):

{ "type": "typeName", member0…n }

These are expressed in JSON grammar as typeName { member* }. RFC7159 Section 2 provides syntactic constraints for JSON — the grammar constraining those to valid ShExJ constructs is composed of:

The following examples are excerpts from the definitions below. In the JSON notation,

signifies that a Schema has four optional components called startActs, start, imports and shapes:

signifies that a shapeExpr is one of seven object types: ShapeOr | ShapeAnd | ….

NodeConstraint { nodeKind:("iri" | "bnode" | "nonliteral" | "literal")? xsFacet* } xsFacet = stringFacet | numericFacet ;

signifies that a NodeConstraint has a nodeKind of one of the four literals followed by any number of xsFacet and an xsFacet is either a stringFacet or a numericFacet.

The executable JSON grammar for ShExJ specifically disables the requirement for a matching "type" attribute in ObjectLiteral as "type" is instead used for the datatype of a JSON-LD typed value.


ShExJ is a dialect of JSON-LD [[!JSON-LD]] and the member id is used as a node identifier. An ShapeDecl or tripleExpr may be represented inline or referenced by its id which may be either a blank node or an IRI.

The JSON structure may include references to shape expressions and triple expressions:

An object with a circular reference must be referenced by an id. This example uses a nested shape reference on a value expression (defined below).

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
      "type": "Shape", "expression": {
        "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#related",
        "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape", "min": 0 } } ] }

Not captured in this JSON syntax definition is the rule that every shapeExpr nested in a schema's shapes must have an id and no other shapeExpr may have an id. The JSON syntax definitition simplifies this by adding id:shapeExprLabel? to every shapeExpr. This example includes a nested shape. Nested shapes are not permitted to have ids.

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
      "type": "Shape", "expression": {
        "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#submittedBy",
        "valueExpr": {
          "type": "Shape", "expression": {
            "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#name",
            "valueExpr": {
              "type": "NodeConstraint", "nodeKind": "literal"
            } } } } } ] }

Document style

JSON examples are rendered in a .json CSS style. Partial examples include ranges in a .comment CSS style to indicate text which would be substituted in a complete example. For example { "type": "ShapeAnd", "shapeExprs": [ SE1, ] } indicates that both SE1 and would be substituted in a complete example.

In javascript-enabled browsers, schemas with a button can be converted between the JSON representation and the compact syntax by clicking the button. The button text indicates the currently shown representation. Selecting the example and pressing "j" or "c" converts the example to the JSON (ShExJ) or compact form (ShExC). Pressing "shift J" or "shift C" converts all such examples to ShExJ or ShExC.

Graph access

The validation process defined in this document relies on matching triple patterns in the form (subject, predicate, object) where each position may be supplied by a constant, a previously defined term, or the underscore "_", which represents a previously undefined element or wildcard. This corresponds to a SPARQL Triple Pattern where each "_" is replaced by a unique blank node. Matching such a triple pattern against a graph is defined by SPARQL Basic Graph Pattern Matching (BGP) with a BGP containing only that triple pattern.


This specification makes use of the following namespaces:


The Shape Expressions Language

A Shape Expressions (ShEx) schema is a collection of labeled Shapes and Node Constraints. These can be used to describe or test nodes in RDF graphs. ShEx does not prescribe a language for associating nodes with shapes but several approaches are described in the ShEx Primer.

Shapes Schema

A shapes schema is captured in a Schema object with a list of Shape Declarationss:

Schema{imports:[IRIREF+]? startActs:[SemAct+]? start:shapeExpr? shapes:[ShapeDecl+]? }
ShapeDecl{ id:shapeExprLabel abstract:BOOL? shapeExpr:shapeExpr | ShapeExternal }

where shapes is a list of ShapeDecls.

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",  },
  { "id": "_:UserShape",  },
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",  } ] }
    ex:IssueShape { … }
    _:UserShape { … }
    ex:EmployeeShape { … }

Validation Definition

For a graph G, a schema Sch and a fixed ShapeMap ism, isValid(G, Sch, ism) indicates that for every shape association (node: n, shape: sl, exact: exact) in ism, the node n satisfies the shape expression identified by sl. If exact is true, the result is satisfies(n, def(s.label), G, Sch, completeTyping(G, Sch), neigh(n)) , otherwise, the result is satisfiesDescendant(n, def(s.label), G, Sch, completeTyping(G, Sch), neigh(n)). The function satisfies is defined for every kind of shape expression.

The validation of an RDF graph G against a ShEx schema Sch is based on the existence of completeTyping(G, Sch). For an RDF graph G and a shapes schema Sch, a typing is a set of pairs of the form (n, l) where n is a node in G and l is a shape label that appears in the shape declarations of the schema. A correct typing is a typing such that for every RDF node/shape pair (n,l), satisfies(n, def(l), G, Sch, typing, neigh(n)) holds or satisfiesDescendant(n, def(l), G, Sch, typing, neigh(n)) holds. A completeTyping(G, Sch) is a unique correct typing that exists for every graph and every ShEx schema that satisfies the schema requirements.

The definition of completeTyping(G, Sch) is based on a stratification of Sch. The number of strata of Sch is the number of maximal strongly connected components of the hierarchy and dependency graph of Sch. A stratification of a schema Sch with k strata is a function stratum that associates with every shape label from the shape declarations of Sch a natural number between 1 and k such that:

The existence of a stratification for every schema is guaranteed by the negation requirement.

Given a stratification stratum of Sch with k strata, define inductively the series of k typings completeTypingOn(1, G, Sch)completeTypingOn(k, G, Sch).

Then completeTyping(G, Sch) = completeTypingOn(k, G, Sch).

The definition of strongly connected component and maximal strongly connected component of a graph can be found at Wikipedia:

The schema Sch might have several different stratifications but completeTyping(G, Sch) is the same for all these stratifications. This property is reminiscent of the use of stratified negation in Datalog.

In order to decide isValid(Sch, G, m), it is sufficient to compute only a portion of the complete typing using an appropriate algorithm.

Popular methods for constructing the input fixed ShapeMaps can be found at

Shape Expressions

A shape expression is composed of four kinds of objects combined with the algebraic operators `And`, `Or` and `Not`:

JSON Syntax

shapeExpr = ShapeOr | ShapeAnd | ShapeNot | NodeConstraint | Shape | shapeExprRef ;
ShapeOr { shapeExprs:[shapeExpr{2,}] }
ShapeAnd { shapeExprs:[shapeExpr{2,}] }
ShapeNot { shapeExpr:shapeExpr }
ShapeExternal { }
ShapeExprRef { label:shapeExprLabel exact:BOOL? }
shapeExprLabel = IRIREF | BNODE ;

Examples of shape expressions:

{ "type": "Shape",  }    
{  }                     
{ "type": "ShapeAnd", "shapeExprs": [
  { "type": "NodeConstraint", "nodeKind": "iri" },
  { "type": "ShapeOr", "shapeExprs": [
    { "type": "ShapeNot", "shapeExpr": { "type": "Shape",  } }
    ] } ] }
    OR NOT {  }

In this ShapeOr's shapeExprs, "http://schema.example/#IssueShape" is a reference to the shape expression with the id "http://schema.example/#IssueShape".


For a node n of the graph G, we define neigh(n) as the set of triples adjacent to n in the graph; these are the triples that have n either as subject or as object.

For a shape expression se we define its set of shapes nestedShapes(se) recursively on the structure of se:

For shape expression labels label1, label2, we say that label2 directly extends label1 if nestedShapes(def(label2)) contains a Shape s such that s.extends contains label2. The extension hierarchy graph of a shapes schema is a directed graph whose nodes are the shape expression labels of the schema and that has an edge from label2 to label1 whenever label2 directly extends label1.

satisfies: The expression satisfies(n, se, G, Sch, t, R) indicates that a node n, a subset R of neigh(n), and a graph G satisfy a shape expression se with typing t for schema Sch.
satisfiesDescendant: The expression satisfiesDescendant(n, shapeExprLabel, G, Sch, t, R) indicates that n, a subset R of neigh(n), and G and some non-abstract child of shapeExprLabel in the extension hierarchy graph satisfies(n, child, G, Sch, t, R), with the given typing t.

satisfies(n, se, G, Sch, t, R) is true if and only if:

Given the three shape expressions SE1, SE2, SE3 in a Schema Sch, such that:

the following hold:

  • satisfies(
    { "type": "ShapeAnd", "shapeExprs": [ SE1, SE2 ] }
    G, Sch, m)
  • satisfies(
    { "type": "ShapeOr", "shapeExprs": [ SE1, SE2, SE3 ] }
    G, Sch, m)
  • NOT  
    { "type": "ShapeNot", "shapeExpr": {
        { "type": "ShapeOr", "shapeExprs": [
            { "type": "ShapeAnd", "shapeExprs": [ SE2, SE3 ] }
          ] }
      } }
    G, Sch, m)

If Sch's shapes maps "http://schema.example/#shape1" to SE1 then the following holds:

  • satisfies(
    G, Sch, m)

In this example, EmployeeShape directly extends PersonShape and transitively extends EntityShape

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EntityShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#entityId"
  },  {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "extends" : [ "http://schema.example/#EntityShape" ],
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : ""
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "extends" : [ "http://schema.example/#PersonShape" ],
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#employeeNumber"
  } ] }

    ex:EntityShape {

      ex:entityId .

    ex:PersonShape EXTENDS @ex:EntityShape {

      foaf:name .

    ex:EmployeeShape EXTENDS @ex:PersonShape {

      ex:employeeNumber .

In this example, UserShape directly extends PersonShape, and PersonShape directly references a conjunct which directly extends EntityShape. Through this, UserShape transitively extends EntityShape.

{ "type": "Schema",
  "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#EntityShape",
      "type": "Shape",
      "closed": true,
      "expression": {
        "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": "http://schema.example/#entityId"
    } },
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
      "type": "ShapeAnd",
      "shapeExprs": [
        { "type": "Shape",
          "extends": [ "http://schema.example/#EntityShape" ],
          "closed": true,
          "expression": {
            "type": "TripleConstraint",
            "predicate": ""
        } },
        { "type": "Shape",
          "expression": {
            "type": "TripleConstraint",
            "predicate": "http://schema.example/#entityId",
            "valueExpr": {
              "type": "NodeConstraint",
              "datatype": ""
        } } }
    ] },
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#UserShape",
      "type": "Shape",
      "extends": [ "http://schema.example/#PersonShape" ],
      "expression": {
        "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": "http://schema.example/#userId"
    } }
] }

    <#EntityShape> CLOSED {

        :entityId .
    <#PersonShape> EXTENDS @<#EntityShape> CLOSED {


            foaf:name .
        } AND {



    <#UserShape> EXTENDS @<PersonShape>{


        :userId .

Node Constraints

NodeConstraint {nodeKind:("iri" | "bnode" | "nonliteral" | "literal")? datatype:IRIREF? xsFacet* values:[valueSetValue+]? }
xsFacet =stringFacet | numericFacet ;
stringFacet =(length|minlength|maxlength):INTEGER | pattern:STRING flags:STRING? ;
numericFacet =(mininclusive|minexclusive|maxinclusive|maxexclusive):numericLiteral
|(totaldigits|fractiondigits):INTEGER ;
numericLiteral =INTEGER | DECIMAL | DOUBLE ;
valueSetValue=objectValue | IriStem | IriStemRange | LiteralStem | LiteralStemRange | Language | LanguageStem | LanguageStemRange ;
objectValue=IRIREF | ObjectLiteral ;
ObjectLiteral{value:STRING language:STRING? type:STRING? }
IriStem{stem:IRIREF }
IriStemRange{stem:(IRIREF | Wildcard) exclusions:[IRIREF|IriStem+]? }
LiteralStem{stem:STRING }
LiteralStemRange{stem:(STRING | Wildcard) exclusions:[STRING|LiteralStem+]? }
Language{languageTag:LANGTAG }
LanguageStem{stem:LANGTAG }
LanguageStemRange{stem:(LANGTAG | Wildcard) exclusions:[LANGTAG|LanguageStem+]? }
Wildcard {/* empty */ }


For a node n and constraint nc, satisfies2(n, nc) if and only if for every nodeKind, datatype, xsFacet and values constraint value v present in nc nodeSatisfies(n, v). The following sections define nodeSatisfies for each of these types of constraints:

Node Kind Constraints

For a node n and constraint value v, nodeSatisfies(n, v) if:

Node Kind example 1

The following examples use a TripleConstraint object described later in the document. The

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#state",
      "valueExpr": { "type": "NodeConstraint", "nodeKind": "iri" } } } ] }
    ex:IssueShape {
      ex:state IRI
<issue1> ex:state ex:HunkyDory .
<issue2> ex:taste ex:GoodEnough .
<issue3> ex:state "just fine" .
<issue2><IssueShape>failexpected 1 ex:state property.
<issue3><IssueShape>failex:state expected to be an IRI, literal found.

Note that <issue2> fails not because of a nodeKind violation but instead because of a Cardinality violation described below.

Datatype Constraints

For a node n and constraint value v, nodeSatisfies(n, v) if n is a Literal with the datatype v and, if v is in the set of SPARQL operand data types[[!sparql11-query]], an XML schema string with a value of the lexical form of n can be cast to the target type v per XPath Functions 3.1 section 19 Casting[[!xpath-functions]]. The lexical form and numeric value (where applicable) of all datatypes required by SPARQL XPath Constructor Functions MUST be tested for conformance with the corresponding XML Schema form. ShEx extensions MAY add support for other datatypes.

Datatype example 1
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#submittedOn",
      "valueExpr": {
        "type": "NodeConstraint",
        "datatype": ""
      } } } ] }
    ex:IssueShape {                                                          
      ex:submittedOn xsd:date

<issue1> ex:submittedOn "2016-07-08"^^xsd:date .
<issue2> ex:submittedOn "2016-07-08T01:23:45Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
<issue3> ex:submittedOn "2016-07"^^xsd:date .
<issue2><IssueShape>failex:submittedOn expected to be an xsd:date, xsd:dateTime found.
<issue3><IssueShape>fail2016-07 is not a valid xsd:date.

In RDF 1.1, language-tagged strings[[!rdf11-concepts]] have the datatype

RDF 1.0 included RDF literals with no datatype or language tag. These are called "simple literals" in SPARQL11[[!sparql11-query]]. In RDF 1.1, these literals have the datatype

Datatype example 2
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "",
      "valueExpr": {
        "type": "NodeConstraint",
        "datatype": ""
      } } } ] }
  ex:IssueShape {
    rdfs:label rdf:langString

<issue3> rdfs:label "emits dense black smoke"@en .
<issue4> rdfs:label "unexpected odor" .
<issue4><IssueShape>failrdfs:label expected to be an rdf:langString, xsd:string found.

XML Schema String Facet Constraints

String facet constraints apply to the lexical form of the RDF Literals and IRIs and blank node identifiers (see note below regarding access to blank node identifiers).
Let lex =

Let len = the number of unicode codepoints in lex
For a node n and constraint value v, nodeSatisfies(n, v):

  • for "length" constraints, v = len,
  • for "minlength" constraints, v >= len,
  • for "maxlength" constraints, v <= len,
  • for "pattern" constraints, v is unescaped into a valid XPath 3.1 regular expression[[!xpath-functions-31]] re and invoking fn:matches(lex, re) returns fn:true. If the flags parameter is present, it is passed as a third argument to fn:matches. The pattern may have XPath 3.1 regular expression escape sequences per the modified production [10] in section as well as numeric escape sequences of the form 'u' HEX HEX HEX HEX or 'U' HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX. Unescaping replaces numeric escape sequences with the corresponding unicode codepoint.
String Facets example 1
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#submittedBy",
      "valueExpr": { "type": "NodeConstraint", "minlength": 10 } } } ] }
  ex:IssueShape {
    ex:submittedBy MINLENGTH 10

<issue1> ex:submittedBy <http://a.example/bob> . # 20 characters
<issue2> ex:submittedBy "Bob" . # 3 characters
<issue2><IssueShape>failex:submittedBy expected to be >= 10 characters,
3 characters found.

Access to blank node identifiers may be impossible or unadvisable for many use cases. For instance, the SPARQL Query and SPARQL Update languages treat blank nodes in the query, labeled or otherwise, as variables. Lexical constraints on blank node identifiers can only be implemented in systems which preserve such labels on data import.

String Facets example 2
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#submittedBy",
      "valueExpr": { "type": "NodeConstraint",
                     "pattern": "genuser[0-9]+", "flags": "i" }
} } ] }
  ex:IssueShape {
    ex:submittedBy /genuser[0-9]+/i

<issue6> ex:submittedBy _:genUser218 .
<issue7> ex:submittedBy _:genContact817 .
<issue7><IssueShape>fail_:genContact817 expected to match genuser[0-9]+.

When expressed as JSON strings, regular expressions are subject to the JSON string escaping rules.

String Facets example 3
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#ProductShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#trademark",
      "valueExpr": { "type": "NodeConstraint",
                     "pattern": "^/\\t\\\\\uD835\uDCB8\\?$" }
} } ] }
  ex:ProductShape {
    ex:trademark /^\/\t\\\U0001D4B8\?$/

<product6> ex:trademark "	\\𝒸?" .
<product7> ex:trademark "\t\\\U0001D4B8?" . # Turtle literals have escape characters [tbnrf"'\].
<product8> ex:trademark "\t\\\\U0001D4B8?" .
<product8><ProductShape>failfound "\U0001D4B8" instead of "𝒸" (codepoint U+1D4B8).

XML Schema Numeric Facet Constraints

Numeric facet constraints apply to the numeric value of RDF Literals with datatypes listed in SPARQL 1.1 Operand Data Types[[!sparql11-query]]. Numeric constraints on non-numeric values fail. totaldigits and fractiondigits constraints on values not derived from xsd:decimal fail.

Let num be the numeric value of n.
For a node n and constraint value v, nodeSatisfies(n, v):

  • for "mininclusive" constraints, v <= num,
  • for "minexclusive" constraints, v < num,
  • for "maxinclusive" constraints, v >= num,
  • for "maxexclusive" constraints, v > num,
  • for "totaldigits" constraints, v is less than or equals the number of digits in the XML Schema canonical form[[!xmlschema-2]] of the value of n,
  • for "fractiondigits" constraints, v is less than or equals the number of digits to the right of the decimal place in the XML Schema canonical form[[!xmlschema-2]] of the value of n, ignoring trailing zeros.

The operators <=, <, >= and > are evaluated after performing numeric type promotion[[!xpath20]].

Numeric Facets example 1
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#confirmations",
      "valueExpr": { "type": "NodeConstraint", "mininclusive": 1 } } } ] }
  ex:IssueShape {
    ex:confirmations MININCLUSIVE 1

<issue1> ex:confirmations 1 .
<issue2> ex:confirmations 2^^xsd:byte .
<issue3> ex:confirmations 0 .
<issue4> ex:confirmations "ii"^^ex:romanNumeral .
<issue3><IssueShape>fail0 is less than 1.
<issue4><IssueShape>failex:romanNumeral is not a numeric datatype.

Values Constraint

The nodeSatisfies semantics for NodeConstraint values depends on a nodeIn function defined below.

For a node n and constraint value v, nodeSatisfies(n, v) if n matches some valueSetValue vsv in v. A term matches a valueSetValue if:

nodeIn: asserts that an RDF node n is equal to an RDF term s or is in a set defined by a IriStem, LiteralStem or LanguageStem.
The expression nodeIn(n, s) is satisfied if:

Values Constraint example 1

NoActionIssueShape requires a state of Resolved or Rejected:

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#NoActionIssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#state",
      "valueExpr": {
        "type": "NodeConstraint", "values": [
          "http://schema.example/#Rejected" ] } } } ] }
  ex:NoActionIssueShape {
    ex:state [ ex:Resolved ex:Rejected ]

<issue1> ex:state ex:Resolved .
<issue2> ex:state ex:Unresolved .
<issue2><NoActionIssueShape>failex:state expected to be ex:Resolved or ex:Rejected, ex:Unresolved found.
Values Constraint example 2

An employee must have an email address that is the string "N/A" or starts with "engineering-" or "sales-" but not "sales-contacts" or "sales-interns":

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "",
      "valueExpr": {
        "type": "NodeConstraint", "values": [
          {"value": "N/A"},
          { "type": "IriStem", "stem": "mailto:engineering-" },
          { "type": "IriStemRange", "stem": "mailto:sales-", "exclusions": [
              { "type": "IriStem", "stem": "mailto:sales-contacts" },
              { "type": "IriStem", "stem": "mailto:sales-interns" }
            ] }
        ] } } } ] }
  ex:EmployeeShape {
    foaf:mbox [ "N/A"
                    - <mailto:sales-contacts>~
                    - <mailto:sales-interns>~ ]

<issue3> foaf:mbox "N/A" .
<issue4> foaf:mbox <mailto:engineering-2112@a.example> .
<issue5> foaf:mbox <mailto:sales-835@a.example> .
<issue6> foaf:mbox "missing" .
<issue7> foaf:mbox <mailto:sales-contacts-999@a.example> .
<issue6><EmployeeShape>fail"missing" is not in value set.
<issue7><EmployeeShape>fail<mailto:sales-contacts-999@a.example> is excluded.
Values Constraint example 3

An employee must not have an email address that starts with "engineering-" or "sales-":

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "",
      "valueExpr": {
        "type": "NodeConstraint", "values": [
          { "type": "IriStemRange", "stem": {"type": "Wildcard"},
            "exclusions": [
              { "type": "IriStem", "stem": "mailto:engineering-" },
              { "type": "IriStem", "stem": "mailto:sales-" }
            ] }
        ] } } } ] }
  ex:EmployeeShape {
    foaf:mbox [ . - <mailto:engineering->~ - <mailto:sales->~ ]

<issue8> foaf:mbox 123 .
<issue9> foaf:mbox <mailto:core-engineering-2112@a.example> .
<issue10> foaf:mbox <mailto:engineering-2112@a.example> .
<issue10><EmployeeShape>fail<mailto:engineering-2112@a.example> is excluded.

A value set can have a single value in it. This is used to indicate that a specific value is required, e.g. that an ex:state must be equal to <http://schema.example/#Resolved> or the rdf:type of some node must be foaf:Person.

Shapes and Triple Expressions

Triple expressions are used for defining patterns composed of triple constraints. Shapes associate triple expressions with flags indicating whether triples match if they do not correspond to triple constraints in the triple expression. A triple expression is composed of TripleConstraint and tripleExprRef objects composed with grouping and choice operators.

JSON Syntax

Shape {extends:[shapeExprRef]? closed:BOOL? extra:[IRIREF+]? expression:tripleExpr? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
tripleExpr =EachOf | OneOf | TripleConstraint | tripleExprRef ;
EachOf {id:tripleExprLabel? expressions:[tripleExpr{2,}] min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
OneOf {id:tripleExprLabel? expressions:[tripleExpr{2,}] min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
TripleConstraint {id:tripleExprLabel? inverse:BOOL? predicate:IRIREF valueExpr:shapeExpr? min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
tripleExprRef =tripleExprLabel ;
tripleExprLabel =IRIREF | BNODE ;


The semantics of the matchesShape function are based on the matches function defined below. A shape may have an expression. For the purposes of evaluation, we define an EmptyExpression which has no TripleConstraints.

parentShapeLabels is a function from a shape label to the set of shapeExprLabels parents of the labels in shape.extends as well as their parents in the extension hierarchy graph.

For a node n, shape S, graph G, a ShExSchema Sch, a typing m, and a subset R of neigh(n), matchesShape(n, S, G, Sch, m, R) if and only if:

  • parents is the set parentShapeLabels(S). If s.extends does not exist, then parentShapeLabels(s) is the empty set.
  • nCard is the length of parents.
  • R can be partitioned into two sets matched and remainder
  • matched is partitioned into nCard+1 parts R0, R1 ... RnCard such that
    • matches(R0, S.tripleExpr, m)
    • satisfies(n, constraint(L), G, Sch, m, matched)
    • for every i in 1..nCard, matches(Ri, mainShape(parentsi), m)
    • for every i in 1..nCard, satisfies(n, constraint(parenti), G, Sch, m, Ri ∪ Q) where Q is the union of all the Rj s.t. parentj is a parent of parenti.
  • Let outs be the arcsOut in remainder: outs = remainderarcsOut(G, n).
  • Let matchables be the triples in outs whose predicate appears in a TripleConstraint in one of the mainShape(parentsi) or in S.expression.
  • There is no triple in matchables which matches a TripleConstraint in one of the mainShape(parentsi) nor one of the TripleConstraint in S.expression.
    Let unmatchables be the triples in outs which are not in matchables. matchablesunmatchables = outs.
  • There is no triple in matchables whose predicate does not appear in extra.
  • closed is false or unmatchables is empty.
  • The complexity of partitioning is described briefly in the ShEx2 Primer.

matches: asserts that a triple expression is matched by a set of triples that come from the neighbourhood of a node in an RDF graph. The expression matches(T, expr, m) indicates that a set of triples T can satisfy these rules:

  • expr has semActs and matches(T, expr, m) by the remaining rules in this list and the evaluation of semActs succeeds according to the section below on Semantic Actions.

    { "type": "OneOf", "shapeExprs": [te1, te2, …], "min": 2, "max": 3,     
      "semActs": [SemAct1, SemAct2, …] }
    (te1 | te2, …) {2,3}                                                     
            %<SemAct1>% %<SemAct2>% …
    evaluates as:
    { "type": "OneOf", "shapeExprs": [te1, te2, …], "min": 2, "max": 3 }     
    (te1 | te2, …) {2,3}                                                      
    and semActsSatisfied([SemAct1, SemAct2, …])
  • expr has a cardinality of min and/or max not equal to 1, where a max of -1 is treated as unbounded, and T can be partitioned into k subsets T1, T2,…Tk such that min ≤ k ≤ max and for each Tn, matches(Tn, expr, m) by the remaining rules in this list.

    { "type": "OneOf", "shapeExprs": [te1, te2, …], "min": 2, "max": 3 }     
    (te1 | te2, …) {2,3}                                                      
    evaluates as:
    Let e = 
    { "type": "OneOf", "shapeExprs": [te1, te2, …] }     
    (te1 | te2, …)                                        
    (matches(T1, e, m) and matches(T2, e, m)
     and T = T1 ∪ T2)
    (matches(T1, e, m) and matches(T2, e, m) and matches(T3, e, m)
     and T = T1 ∪ T2 ∪ T3)
  • expr is a OneOf and there is some shape expression se2 in shapeExprs such that matches(T, se2, m).

    { "type": "OneOf", "shapeExprs": [
      { "type": "EachOf", "shapeExprs": [te3, te4, …] },
      { "type": "TripleExpression", "min": 1, "max": -1,
        "predicate": "" }
    ] }
      (te3 ; te4 ; …)
      | <> . +
    evaluates as:
    { "type": "EachOf", "shapeExprs": [te3, te4, …] }     
    te3 ; te4 ; …                                         
    or matches(
    { "type": "TripleExpression", "min": 1, "max": -1,     
        "predicate": "" }
    <> . +                   
  • expr is an EachOf and there is some partition of T into T1, T2,… such that for every expression expr1, expr2,… in shapeExprs, matches(Tn, exprn, m).

    { "type": "EachOf", "shapeExprs": [
      { "type": "TripleExpression",
        "predicate": "" },
      { "type": "TripleExpression",
        "predicate": "" }
    ] }
    <> . ;
    <> .
    evaluates as:
    { "type": "TripleExpression",
        "predicate": "" }
    <> .                 
    and matches(
    { "type": "TripleExpression",
        "predicate": "" }
    <> .                 
    and T = T1 ∪ T2
  • expr is a TripleConstraint and:

    • T is a set of one triple.
      Let t be the sole triple in T.
    • t's predicate equals expr's predicate.
      Let value be t's subject if inverse is true, else t's object.
    • if inverse is true, t is in arcsIn, else t is in arcsOut.
    • either
      • expr has no valueExpr

        { "type": "TripleExpression",
          "predicate": "" }
        <> . ;             
        holds if
        • T has exactly one triple t.
        • t has the predicate ""
      • or expr.valueExpr is a shapeExprRef, then shapeExprRef.label is in m(value)
      • or expr.valueExpr is not a shapeExprRef, then satisfies(value, valueExpr, G, Sch, m, neigh(value)).

        { "type": "TripleConstraint", "inverse": true,
          "predicate": "",
          "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape" }
        holds if
        • T has exactly one triple t.
        • t has the predicate ""
        • t has a subject n2
        • The schema's shapes maps "http://schema.example/#IssueShape" to se2
        • satisfies(n2, se2, G, Sch, m)
  • expr is a tripleExprRef and satisfies(value, tripleExprWithId(tripleExprRef), G, Sch, Sch, m).
    The tripleExprWithId function is defined in Triple Expression Reference Requirement below.

    For the schema
    { "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
      { "id": "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
        "type": "Shape", "expression": {
          "type": "EachOf", "expressions": [
            { "type": "TripleConstraint",
              "predicate": "http://schema.example/#empID",
              "valueExpr": { "type": "NodeConstraint",
                "datatype": "" } } ] } },
      { "id": "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
        "type": "Shape", "expression": {
          "id": "http://schema.example/#nameExpr",
          "type": "TripleConstraint",
          "predicate": "" } } ] }
    <http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape> {
        &<http://schema.example/#nameExpr> ;
    <http://schema.example/#PersonShape> {
        <> . ;
    holds if
    • The schema has a shape se2 with the id "http://schema.example/#PersonShape"
    • satisfies(n, se2, G, Sch, m)

ShEx Import

The presence of imports requires that:

If any imported schema imports other schemas, shape and triple expression labels from those schemas are also in scope.

Import example 1 - Shape and Triple Expressions
{ "type": "Schema", "imports": ["http://schema.example/schema2"], "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "EachOf", "expressions": [
        { "type": "TripleConstraint",
          "predicate": "http://schema.example/#empID",
          "valueExpr": { "type": "NodeConstraint",
            "datatype": "" } } ] } } ] }
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "id": "http://schema.example/#nameExpr",
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "" } } ] }
<http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape> {
    &<http://schema.example/#nameExpr> ;

<http://schema.example/#PersonShape> {

    <> ;

Both the shape expression <PersonShape> and the triple expression <nameExpr> are in scope.
schema2's <nameExpr> is referenced in schema1's <EmployeeShape>

Redundant imports are treated as a single import. This includes circular imports:

Import example 2 - Circular Import
{ "type": "Schema",
  "imports": ["http://schema.example/schema2", "http://schema.example/schema3"],
  "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/schema1#S1",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p1",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/schema1#S2"
    } } ] }
{ "type": "Schema",
  "imports": ["http://schema.example/schema3"],
  "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/schema1#S2",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p2",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/schema1#S3"
    } } ] }
{ "type": "Schema",
  "imports": ["http://schema.example/schema1"],
  "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/schema1#S3",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p3",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/schema1#S1", "min": 0,
    } } ] }

IMPORT <http://schema.example/schema2>
IMPORT <http://schema.example/schema3>
<http://schema.example/schema1#S1> {

  <http://schema.example/#p1> @<http://schema.example/schema1#S2>


IMPORT <http://schema.example/schema3>

<http://schema.example/schema1#S2> {

  <http://schema.example/#p2> @<http://schema.example/schema1#S3>


IMPORT <http://schema.example/schema1>

<http://schema.example/schema1#S3> {

  <http://schema.example/#p3> @<http://schema.example/schema1#S1>?


When some schema A imports schema B, B's start member is ignored.

Import example 3 - Ignored Start In Import
{ "type": "Schema",
  "imports": ["http://schema.example/schema2"],
  "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/schema1#S1",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p1",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/schema1#S2"
    } } ] }
{ "type": "Schema",
  "start": "http://schema.example/schema1#S2",
  "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/schema1#S2",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p2"
    } } ] }

IMPORT <http://schema.example/schema2>

<http://schema.example/schema1#S1> {

  <http://schema.example/#p1> @<http://schema.example/schema1#S2>



<http://schema.example/schema1#S2> {

  <http://schema.example/#p2> .

schema1 has no start even though it imports a schema with a start.

It is an error if A and B share any labels for shape expressions or triple expressions or if schema B has a startActs member.

Import example 4 - Erroneous Import
{ "type": "Schema",
  "imports": ["http://schema.example/schema2"],
  "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/schema1#S1",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p1",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/schema1#S2"
    } } ] }
{ "type": "Schema",
"startActs": [ { "type": "semAct",
                 "name": "http://schema.example/schema1#A1" } ],
  "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/schema1#S1",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p1",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/schema1#S2"
    } },
  { "id": "http://schema.example/schema1#S2",
    "type": "Shape", "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p2",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/schema1#S3"
    } } ] }

IMPORT <http://schema.example/schema2>

<http://schema.example/schema1#S1> {

  <http://schema.example/#p1> @<http://schema.example/schema1#S2>



<http://schema.example/schema1#S1> {

  <http://schema.example/#p1> @<http://schema.example/schema1#S2>

<http://schema.example/schema1#S2> {

  <http://schema.example/#p2> @<http://schema.example/schema1#S3>


This import fails because:

  • <http://schema.example/schema1#S1> has conflicting definitions and
  • an included schema has a start directive and
  • the reference to <http://schema.example/schema1#S3> is not resolvable after imports.

Schema Requirements

The semantics defined above assume three structural requirements beyond those imposed by the grammar of the abstract syntax. These ensure referential integrity and eliminate logical paradoxes such as those that arrise through the use of negation. These are not constraints expressed by the schema but instead those imposed on the schema.

Schema Validation Requirement

A graph G is said to conform with a schema S with a ShapeMap m when:

  1. Every, SemAct in the startActs of S has a successful evaluation of semActsSatisfied.
  2. Every node n in m conforms to its associated shapeExprRefs sen where for each shapeExprRef sei in sen:
    1. sei references a ShapeExpr in shapes, and
    2. satisfies(n, sei, G, Sch, m) for each shape sei in sen.

Shape Expression Reference Requirement

A shapeExprRef MUST appear in the schema's shapes map (or an imported schema's map) and the corresponding shape expression MUST be a Shape with a shapeExpr. The function shapeExprWithId(shapeExprRef) returns the shape expression with an id of shapeExprRef.

Additionally, a shapeExprLabel cannot refer to itself through a shape reference either directly or recursively. The shapeExprRef closure of a shape expression se is the set of shape expression labels used as references in se. The shapeExprLabel sl belongs to shapeExprRefClosure(se) if and only if:

  • sl appears as an atomic shapeExprRef in se, or
  • sl belongs to shapeExprRefClosure(shapeExprWithId(sl2)) for some shapeExprLabel sl2 that belongs to shapeExprRefClosure(se).

A shapes schema MUST NOT define a shape label sl that belongs to the shapeExprRef closure of its definition shapeExprWithId(sl).

Following are two valid shapeExprRefs:

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : ""
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type" : "ShapeAnd",
    "shapeExprs" : [ "http://schema.example/#PersonShape", {
      "type" : "Shape",
      "expression" : {
        "type" : "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#employeeNumber"
    } ]
  } ]

    ex:PersonShape {

      foaf:name .


      @ex:PersonShape AND {

        ex:employeeNumber .

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : ""
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#dependent",
      "valueExpr" : "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
      "min" : 0,
      "max" : -1
  } ]

    ex:PersonShape {

      foaf:name .

    ex:EmployeeShape {




This shapeExprRef is invalid because there is no corresponding shape expression:

{ "type":"Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#S1",
      "type":"Shape", "expression":
} ] }
    ex:S1 {


This shapeExprRef is invalid because the referenced object is a triple expression instead of a shape expression:

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#CustomerShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "id" : "http://schema.example/#discountExpr",
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#discount"
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#contactFor",
      "valueExpr" : "http://schema.example/#discountExpr"
  } ]

    ex:CustomerShape {


        ex:discount .

    ex:EmployeeShape {



These shapeExprRefs are invalid because they recursively refer to each other.

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
    "type" : "ShapeAnd",
    "shapeExprs" : [ "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape", {
      "type" : "Shape",
      "expression" : {
        "type" : "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate" : ""
    } ]
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type" : "ShapeAnd",
    "shapeExprs" : [ "http://schema.example/#PersonShape", {
      "type" : "Shape",
      "expression" : {
        "type" : "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#employeeNumber"
    } ]
  } ] }


      @ex:EmployeeShape AND {

        foaf:name .


      @ex:PersonShape AND {

        ex:employeeNumber .


Triple Expression Reference Requirement

An tripleExprRef MUST identify a triple expression in the schema. The function tripleExprWithId(tripleExprRef) returns the triple expression with the id tripleExprRef.

Additionally, a tripleExprLabel cannot refer to itself through a triple expression reference either directly or recursively. The tripleExprRef closure of a triple expression te is the set of triple expression labels used as references in te. The tripleExprLabel tl belongs to tripleExprRefClosure(te) if and only if:

  • tl appears as an atomic tripleExprRef in te, or
  • tl belongs to tripleExprRefClosure(tripleExprWithId(tl2)) for some tripleExprLabel tl2 that belongs to tripleExprRefClosure(te).

A shapes schema MUST NOT define a triple expression label tl that belongs to the tripleExprRef closure of its definition tripleExprWithId(tl).

Following is a valid triple expression reference:

{ "type":"Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
      "type":"Shape", "expression": {
        "id": "http://schema.example/#nameExpr",
        "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": ""
      } },
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
      "type":"Shape", "expression": { "type":"EachOf", "expressions": [
        { "type": "TripleConstraint",
          "predicate": "http://schema.example/#employeeNumber" }
] } } ] }
    ex:PersonShape {
      $ex:nameExpr foaf:name .

    ex:EmployeeShape {
      &ex:nameExpr ;
      ex:employeeNumber .


This triple expression reference is invalid because there is no corresponding triple expression:

{ "type":"Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#S1",
      "type":"Shape", "expression":
} ] }
    ex:S1 {

This triple expression reference is invalid because the referenced object is a shape expression instead of a triple expression:

{ "type":"Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#CustomerShape",
      "type":"ShapeAnd", "shapeExprs": [  ]
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#PreferredCustomerShape",
      "type":"Shape", "expression": { "type":"EachOf", "expressions": [
        { "type": "TripleConstraint",
          "predicate": "http://schema.example/#discount" }
] } } ] }
    ex:CustomerShape {
    ex:PreferredCustomerShape {
      &ex:CustomerShape ;
      ex:discount .


shapeExprRef non-abstract shape requirement

Every shapeExprRef |referer| MUST identify at least one non-abstract shape.

Following is a valid example with a shape with a shapeExprRef that references an abstract shape with two non-abstract descendants:

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape",
    "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#approvedBy",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/#EngineerShape"
  },  {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EntityShape",
    "type" : "Shape", "abstract": true,
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#entityId"
  },  {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "extends" : [ "http://schema.example/#EntityShape" ],
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : ""
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "extends" : [ "http://schema.example/#PersonShape" ],
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#employeeNumber"
} ] }

    ex:IssueShape {


    ABSTRACT ex:EntityShape {

      ex:entityId .

    ex:PersonShape EXTENDS @ex:EntityShape {

      foaf:name .

    ex:EmployeeShape EXTENDS @ex:EntityShape {

      ex:employeeNumber .

This shapeExprRef is invalid because it references only abstract descendants:

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape",
    "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#approvedBy",
      "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/#EngineerShape"
  },  {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EntityShape",
    "type" : "Shape", "abstract": true,
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#entityId"
  },  {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#PersonShape",
    "type" : "Shape", "abstract": true,
    "extends" : [ "http://schema.example/#EntityShape" ],
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : ""
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#EmployeeShape",
    "type" : "Shape", "abstract": true,
    "extends" : [ "http://schema.example/#PersonShape" ],
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#employeeNumber"
} ] }

    ex:IssueShape {


    ABSTRACT ex:EntityShape {

      ex:entityId .

    ABSTRACT ex:PersonShape EXTENDS @ex:EntityShape {

      foaf:name .

    ABSTRACT ex:EmployeeShape EXTENDS @ex:EntityShape {

      ex:employeeNumber .

Negation Requirement

A schema MUST NOT contain any shapeExprLabel that has a negated reference to itself, either directly or transitively. This is formalized by the requirement that the hierarchy and dependency graph of a schema MUST NOT have a cycle that traverses some negated reference.

The set of atomic shapes of a shapeExpr se contains a Shape s if s or its id appears either directly or by shapeExprRef in se. That is, s belongs to atomicShapes(se) if and only if

  • s appears as an atomic shape in se, or
  • sid is the id of s and sid appears as an atomic shapeExprRef in se, or
  • s belongs to atomicShapes(se2) for some shape expression se2 such that the id of se2 belongs to the shapeExprRefClosure of se.

The set of atomicTripleConstraints of a tripleExpr te includes every TripleConstraint tc that appears directly or by tripleExprRef in te. That is, tc belongs to atomicTripleConstraints(te) if and only if:

The shape expression s1 has a reference to the shape label l2 if

  • there is a shape sh in atomicShapes(s1) and
  • there is a triple constraint tc in atomicTripleConstraints(sh) and
  • tc.valueExpr is present and
  • tc.valueExpr contains a shape reference to l2.

The reference from s1 to l2 is a negated reference if the reference to l2 appears under an odd number of ShapeNot in tc.valueExpr.

The hierarchy and dependency graph of a schema is the graph whose nodes are the shape labels that appear in the shape declarations of the schema, and that has an edge from l1 to l2 if:

  • the definition of l1 has a reference to l2, or
  • there is an edge from l1 to l2 in the hieararchy graph, or
  • there is an edge from l2 to l1 in the hieararchy graph.
The edge from l1 to l2 is negative if the definition of l1 has a negative reference to l2, otherwise the edge is positive.

Examples with ShapeNot

This negated self-reference violates the negation requirement.

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#S",
      "type": "Shape",
      "expression": { "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p",
        "valueExpr": { "type": "ShapeNot",
          "shapeExpr": "http://schema.example/#S" } } }
  ] }
ex:S {ex:p NOT @ex:S}


This indirect self-reference does not violate the negation requirement.

{ "type": "Schema",
  "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#US",
      "type": "Shape",
      "expression": { "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": "http://schema.example/#Up",
        "valueExpr": { "type": "ShapeNot",
          "shapeExpr": "http://schema.example/#UT" } } },
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#UT",
      "type": "Shape",
      "expression": { "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": "http://schema.example/#Uq",
        "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/#US" } }
  ] }
ex:US {ex:Up NOT @ex:UT} 

ex:UT { ex:Uq @ex:US} 


This negated, indirect self-reference violates the negation requirement.

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#S",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#p",
      "valueExpr" : {
        "type" : "ShapeNot",
        "shapeExpr" : "http://schema.example/#T"
  } , {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#T",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#q",
      "valueExpr" : "http://schema.example/#S"
  } ] }

    ex:S {



    ex:T {


This is a direct, negated self-reference of the shape with id ex:T and violates the negation requirement.

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [ {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#T",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#p",
      "valueExpr" : "http://schema.example/#S"
  } , {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#S",
    "type" : "ShapeAnd",
    "shapeExprs" : [ {
      "type" : "ShapeNot",
      "shapeExpr" : "http://schema.example/#T"
    }, "http://schema.example/#U" ]
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#U",
    "type" : "Shape"
  } ] }

    ex:T {



     AND @ex:U

     ex:U .


This doubly-negated self-reference of ex:T does not violate the negation requirement.

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [{
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#T",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#p",
      "valueExpr" : "http://schema.example/#S"
  } , {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#S",
    "type" : "ShapeNot",
    "shapeExpr" : {
      "type" : "ShapeAnd",
      "shapeExprs" : [ {
        "type" : "ShapeNot",
        "shapeExpr" : "http://schema.example/#T"
      }, "http://schema.example/#U" ]
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#U",
    "type" : "Shape"
  } ] }

    ex:T {



                       AND @ex:U )

    ex:U .


There is a cycle of negated references between the shape that defines ex:T and the shape that defines ex:U, so the negation requirement is violated.

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [{
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#T",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#p",
      "valueExpr" : {
        "type" : "ShapeNot",
        "shapeExpr" : "http://schema.example/#S"
  } , {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#U",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#q",
      "valueExpr" : "http://schema.example/#S"
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#S",
    "type" : "ShapeAnd",
    "shapeExprs" : [ {
      "type" : "ShapeNot",
      "shapeExpr" : "http://schema.example/#T"
    }, "http://schema.example/#U" ]
  } ] }

    ex:T {



    ex:U {



      AND @ex:U

This satisfies the negation requirement, as ex:U does not refer to ex:T (compared to the previous example).

{"type" : "Schema",
  "shapes" : [{
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#T",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#p",
      "valueExpr" : {
        "type" : "ShapeNot",
        "shapeExpr" : "http://schema.example/#S"
  } , {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#U",
    "type" : "Shape",
    "expression" : {
      "type" : "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate" : "http://schema.example/#q"
  }, {
    "id" : "http://schema.example/#S",
    "type" : "ShapeAnd",
    "shapeExprs" : [ {
      "type" : "ShapeNot",
      "shapeExpr" : "http://schema.example/#T"
    }, "http://schema.example/#U" ]
  } ] }

    ex:T {



    ex:U {

      ex:q .


    AND @ex:U

Examples with Shape.extra predicate

This self-reference on a predicate designated as extra violates the negation requirement:

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#S",
      "type": "Shape",
      "extra": [ "http://schema.example/#p" ], "expression":
      { "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p",
        "valueExpr": "http://schema.example/#S"
} } ] }
  ex:S EXTRA ex:p {
    ex:p @ex:S


The same shape with a negated self-reference still violates the negation requirement because the reference occurs with a ShapeNot:

{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#S",
      "type": "Shape",
      "extra": [ "http://schema.example/#p" ],
      "expression": {
        "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p",
        "valueExpr": {
          "type": "ShapeNot", "shapeExpr": "http://schema.example/#S"
} } } ] }
    ex:S EXTRA ex:p {
      ex:p NOT @ex:S


Acyclic Extension Requirement

The extension hierarchy graph must be acyclic.

Extension Coherence

A shapeDecl D with label L and D.shapeExpr se is called extendable if it satisfies all of:

  • it is of the form either `s` or ShapeAnd(s, se), where `s` is a Shape and se is a shapeExpr. In this case we denote `s` as `mainShape(L)` and se as `constraint(L)`:
  • `def(L')` is an extendable shape expression for every `L'` in `s.extends` (note that this condition is trivially met when `s.extends` is empty),
  • the set `predicates(se)` is included the union of the sets `predicates(mainShape(L'))` for all shape expression names `L'` that belong to `parentShapeLabels(L)`.

Schema requirement EXTENDS appears only in extendable shape expressions. That is, for every Shape `s` that appears in the schema, if `s.extends` is non empty and for every shapeExpr se in the schema, if s belongs to nestedShapes(se), then se is an extendable shape expression.

Semantic Actions

Semantic actions serve as an extension point for Shape Expressions. They appear in lists in Schema's startActs and Shape, OneOf, EachOf and TripleConstraint's semActs.

A semantic action is a tuple of an identifier and some optional code:

SemAct{name:IRIREF code:STRING? }


The evaluation semActsSatisfied on a list of SemActs returns success or failure. The evaluation of an individual SemAct is implementation-dependent.

Use - informative

A practical evaluation of a SemAct will provide access to some context. For instance, the extension requires access to the subject, predicate and object of a triple matching a TripleConstraint. These are used in a print function.

Semantic Actions example 1
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#S1",
      "type": "Shape", "expression": {
        "type": "TripleConstraint", "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p1",
        "min": 1, "max": -1,
        "semActs": [
          { "type": "SemAct", "code": " print(s) ",
            "name": "" },
          { "type": "SemAct", "code": " print(o) ",
            "name": "" } ] } } ] }
    ex:S1 {
      ex:p1 .+ %Test:{ print(s) %} %Test:{ print(o) %}

<http://a.example/n1> <http://a.example/p1> <http://a.example/o1> .
<http://a.example/n2> <http://a.example/p1> "a", "b" .
<http://a.example/n3> <http://a.example/p2> <http://a.example/o2> .
nodeshaperesultprint arguments


Annotations provide a format-independent way to provide additional information about elements in a schema. They appear in lists in Shape, OneOf, EachOf and TripleConstraint's annotations.

Annotation{predicate:IRIREF object:objectValue }

Semantics - informative

Annotations do not affect whether a node conforms to some shape. Because they are part of the structure of the schema, they can be parsed in one ShEx format and emitted in that format or another.

Annotations example 1
{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
      "type": "Shape", "expression": {
        "type": "TripleConstraint",
        "predicate": "http://schema.example/#status",
        "annotations": [
           { "type": "Annotation",
             "predicate": "",
             "object": {"value": "Represents reported software issues."} },
           { "type": "Annotation",
             "predicate": "",
             "object": {"value": "software issue"} } ] } } ] }
    ex:IssueShape {
      ex:status .
          // rdfs:comment "Represents reported software issues."
          // rdfs:label "software issue"


Validation Examples

The following examples demonstrate proofs for validations in the form of a nested list of invocations of the evaluation functions defined above.

Simple Examples



{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#IntConstraint",
      "type": "NodeConstraint",
      "datatype": ""
    } ] }


Here the shape identified by http://schema.example/#IntConstraint is a shape expression consisting of a single NodeConstraint. Per Shape Expression Semantics, "30"^^<> satisfies IntConstraint.

This document uses this nested tree convention to indicate that the dependency of an evaluation on those nested inside it. Nesting is expressed as indentation. Here, the evaluation of satisfies NodeConstraint ("30"^^xsd:integer, S1, G, m) depends on satisfies2 NodeConstraint ("30"^^xsd:integer, S1).

Validate "30"^^<> as IntConstraint:

Validating a shape requires evaluating it's triple expression as well as the variables and functions neigh(G, n), matched, remainder, outs, matchables and unmatchables:


{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#UserShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression":
    { "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#shoeSize"
      } } ] }

  ex:UserShape {
    ex:shoeSize .

BASE <http://a.example/>
PREFIX xsd: <>
<Alice> ex:shoeSize "30"^^xsd:integer .
Validate <Alice> as http://schema.example/#UserShape:
  • G = [t1] The graph G consists of one triple.
  • satisfies Shape (<Alice>, S1, G, m)
    • neigh(G, <Alice>) = [t1] /* The neighborhood around <Alice> consists of one triple. */
    • matched = [t1] /* That triple is matched in the nested evaluation. */
    • remainder = Ø /* The remainder is the empty set. */
    • matches TripleConstraint ([t1], tc1, m)
    • outs = [t1] /* There is one arc out. */
    • matchables = Ø /* There are no remaining arcs out of <Alice> with predicates appearing in tc1. */
    • unmatchables = Ø /* There are no other arcs out of <Alice>. */
    • closed is false /* The Shape's closed paramater has a value of false. */

It is quite common that Shapes will constrain their nested TripleConstraints with NodeConstraints. Here is an example including that, extra triples and a closed shape:



{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#UserShape",
    "type": "Shape",
    "extra": [""],
    "expression": {
      "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "",
      { "type": "NodeConstraint",
        "values": ["http://schema.example/#Teacher"]
      } } } ] }

  ex:UserShape EXTRA a {


BASE <http://a.example/>
PREFIX xsd: <>
<Alice> ex:shoeSize "30"^^xsd:integer .
<Alice> a ex:Teacher .
<Alice> a ex:Person .
<SomeHat> ex:owner <Alice> .
<TheMoon> ex:madeOf <GreenCheese> .
Validate <Alice> as http://schema.example/#UserShape:

The non-empty matchables is permitted because the triple t3 has a predicate which appears in the "extra" list: ["http://schema.example/#Teacher"].

Disjunction Example






{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#UserShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression":
     {"type": "OneOf", "expressions": [
        { "type": "TripleConstraint",
          "predicate": "",
            { "type": "NodeConstraint", "nodeKind": "literal" } },
        { "type": "EachOf", "expressions": [
            { "type": "TripleConstraint", "min": 1, "max": -1 ,
              "predicate": "",
                { "type": "NodeConstraint", "nodeKind": "literal" } },
            { "type": "TripleConstraint",
              "predicate": "",
                { "type": "NodeConstraint", "nodeKind": "literal" } }
        ] }
     ] }
 } ] }
     (              # extra ()s to clarify alignment with ShExJ

              LITERAL |
      (             # extra ()s to clarify alignment with ShExJ

               LITERAL+ ;


BASE <http://a.example/>
PREFIX foaf: <>
<Alice> foaf:givenName "Alice" .
<Alice> foaf:givenName "Malsenior" .
<Alice> foaf:familyName "Walker" .
<Alice> foaf:mbox <> .
<Bob> foaf:knows <Alice> .
<Bob> foaf:mbox <> .

Per Shape Expression Semantics, <Alice> satisfies S1 with the simple ShapeMap

{ "http://a.example/Alice": "http://a.example/UserShape }

as seen in this validation.

Validate <Alice> as http://schema.example/#UserShape:

Replacing triples 1-3 with a single foaf:name property will also satisfy the schema.


BASE <http://a.example/>
PREFIX foaf: <>
<Alice> foaf:mbox <> .
<Bob> foaf:knows <Alice> .
<Bob> foaf:mbox <> .
<Alice> foaf:name "Alice Malsenior Walker" .
Validate <Alice> as http://schema.example/#UserShape:

Any mixure of foaf:name with foaf:givenName or foaf:familyName will fail to satisfy the schema as there will be a matchable triple t3 that is not used in the triple expression te1.


BASE <http://a.example/>
PREFIX foaf: <>
<Alice> foaf:familyName "Walker" .
<Alice> foaf:mbox <> .
<Bob> foaf:knows <Alice> .
<Bob> foaf:mbox <> .
<Alice> foaf:name "Alice Malsenior Walker" .
Validate <Alice> as http://schema.example/#UserShape:

Adding a foaf:familyName to S1's extra would allow this graph to satisfy the schema.


{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#UserShape",
    "type": "Shape", "extra": [""] …
   } ] }

Closing S1 would also cause a validation failure if unmatchables were not empty:


{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#UserShape",
    "type": "Shape", "closed": true …
   } ] }
  • G = [t4,t5,t6,t7]
  • satisfies Shape (<Alice>, S1, G, m)
    • unmatchables = [t5], closed is true

Dependent Shape Example






{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression":
    { "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#reproducedBy",
      "http://schema.example/#TesterShape" } },
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#TesterShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression":
    { "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#role",
      { "type": "NodeConstraint",
        "values": [ "http://schema.example/#testingRole" ] } } }
  ] }


     @ex:TesterShape }


     [ex:testingRole] }


PREFIX ex: <http://schema.example/#>
PREFIX inst: <http://inst.example/>
inst:Issue1 ex:reproducedBy inst:Tester2 .
inst:Tester2 ex:role ex:testingRole .

inst:Issue1 satisfies S1 with the ShapeMap

{ "http://inst.example/Issue1": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
  "http://inst.example/Tester2": "http://schema.example/#TesterShape",
  "http://inst.example/Testgrammer23": "http://schema.example/#ProgrammerShape" }
Validate inst:Issue1 as http://schema.example/#IssueShape:

as seen in this evaluation:

Recursion Example




{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression":
    { "type": "TripleConstraint", "min": 0, "max": -1,
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#related",
    } } ] }
  ex:IssueShape {



PREFIX ex: <http://schema.example/#>
PREFIX inst: <http://inst.example/>
inst:Issue1 ex:related inst:Issue2 .
inst:Issue2 ex:related inst:Issue3 .
inst:Issue3 ex:related inst:Issue1 .

inst:Issue1 satisfies S1 with the ShapeMap

{ "http://inst.example/Issue1": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
  "http://inst.example/Issue2": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
  "http://inst.example/Issue3": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape" }
Validate inst:Issue1 as http://schema.example/#IssueShape:

as seen in this evaluation:

Simple Repeated Property Examples






{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#TestResultsShape",
      "type": "Shape", "expression": {
        "type": "EachOf", "expressions": [
          { "type": "TripleConstraint", "min": 1, "max": -1,
            "predicate": "http://schema.example/#val",
            { "type": "NodeConstraint",
              "values": [ {"value": "a"}, {"value": "b"}, {"value": "c"} ] } },
          { "type": "TripleConstraint", "min": 1, "max": -1,
            "predicate": "http://schema.example/#val",
            { "type": "NodeConstraint",
              "values": [ {"value": "b"}, {"value": "c"}, {"value": "d"} ] } }
        ] } } ] }


                         ["a" "b" "c"]+ ;


                         ["b" "c" "d"]+

BASE <http://a.example/>
PREFIX ex: <http://schema.example/#>
<s> ex:val "a" .
<s> ex:val "b" .
<s> ex:val "c" .
<s> ex:val "d" .

<s> satisfies S1 with:

{ "http://a.example/s": "http://a.example/S1" }
Validate <s> as http://schema.example/#TestResultShape:

If tc1 consumes as many triples as it can, it consumes three and tc2 consumes one:

If we eliminate t4, either t2 or t3 must be allocated to tc2:

Repeated Property With Dependent Shapes Example












{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression":
    { "type": "EachOf", "expressions": [
        { "type": "TripleConstraint",
          "predicate": "http://schema.example/#reproducedBy",
          "http://schema.example/#TesterShape" },
        { "type": "TripleConstraint",
          "predicate": "http://schema.example/#reproducedBy",
          "http://schema.example/#ProgrammerShape" }
      ] } },
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#TesterShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression":
    { "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#role",
      { "type": "NodeConstraint",
        "values": [ "http://schema.example/#testingRole" ] } } },
  { "id": "http://schema.example/#ProgrammerShape",
    "type": "Shape", "expression":
    { "type": "TripleConstraint",
      "predicate": "http://schema.example/#department",
      { "type": "NodeConstraint",
        "values": [ "http://schema.example/#ProgrammingDepartment" ] } } }
  ] }
ex:IssueShape {




ex:TesterShape {


ex:ProgrammerShape {





PREFIX ex: <http://schema.example/#>
PREFIX inst: <http://inst.example/>
  ex:reproducedBy inst:Tester2 ;
  ex:reproducedBy inst:Testgrammer23 .

  ex:role ex:testingRole .

  ex:role ex:testingRole ;                
  ex:department ex:ProgrammingDepartment .

inst:Issue1 satisfies S1 with the ShapeMap

{ "http://inst.example/Issue1": "http://schema.example/#IssueShape",
  "http://inst.example/Tester2": "http://schema.example/#TesterShape",
  "http://inst.example/Testgrammer23": "http://schema.example/#ProgrammerShape" }
Validate inst:Issue1 as http://schema.example/#IssueShape:

as seen in this evaluation:

Negation Example

Setting the maximum cardinality of a TripleConstraint with predicate p to zero (i.e. "max": 0 in ShExJ or {0} or {0, 0} in ShExC) asserts that matching nodes must have no triples with predicate p.





{ "type": "Schema", "shapes": [
    { "id": "http://schema.example/#TestResultsShape",
      "type": "Shape", "expression": {
        "type": "EachOf", "expressions": [
          { "type": "TripleConstraint", "min": 1, "max": -1,
            "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p1",
            { "type": "NodeConstraint",
              "values": [ {"value": "a"}, {"value": "b"} ] } },
          { "type": "TripleConstraint", "min": 1, "max": -1,
            "predicate": "http://schema.example/#p2", "min": 0, "max": 0 }
        ] } } ] }


                         ["a" "b"] + ;

                         <http://schema.example/#p2> . {0}

BASE <http://a.example/>
PREFIX ex: <http://schema.example/#>
<s> ex:p1 "a" .

<s> satisfies S1 with:

{ "http://a.example/s": "http://a.example/S1" }
Validate <s> as http://schema.example/#TestResultShape:

This is trivially satisfied by tc1 consuming one triple and tc2 consuming none:

If we add a t2 which matches tc2:


BASE <http://a.example/>
PREFIX ex: <http://schema.example/#>
<s> ex:p1 "a" .
<s> ex:p2 5 .

every partition fails, either because matchables is non-empty or because the maximum cardinality on tc2 is exceeded:

ShEx Compact syntax (ShExC)

The ShEx Compact Syntax expresses ShEx schemas in a compact, human-friendly form. Parsing ShExC transforms a ShExC document into an equivalent ShExJ structure. This is defined as a BNF which accepts ShExC followed by instructions for tranlating the rules in the BNF production into their corresponding ShExJ objects. For example, "shapeExprDecl returns shapeExpression" indicates that the result of matching the shapeExprDecl production is the object produced by parsing the shapeExpression production.

Semantic actions before the first shape expression declaration are startActs. After the first shape expression declaration, semantic actions are associated with the previous declaration.

As with Turtle and SPARQL, ShExC offers URL resolution relative to a base per [[RFC3986]] and prefixes map to provide shorthand ways to write IRI identifiers.

Below is the ShExC grammar following the notation in the XML specification[[!XML]]:
[1]    shexDoc    ::=    directive* ((notStartAction | startActions) statement*)?
followed by the associated ShExJ object(s):
Schema{ startActs:[SemAct+]? start:shapeExpr? imports:[IRIREF+]? shapes:[ShapeDecl+]? }
and a description of the mapping of rules in the production to elements of the ShExJ object:
[2]    directive    ::=    baseDecl | prefixDecl | importDecl
[3]    baseDecl    ::=    "BASE" IRIREF
[4]    prefixDecl    ::=    "PREFIX" PNAME_NS IRIREF
[]    importDecl    ::=    "IMPORT" IRIREF
"IMPORT" is described in ShEx Import.
[5]    notStartAction    ::=    start | shapeExprDecl
[6]    start    ::=    "start" '=' inlineShapeExpression
[7]    startActions    ::=    codeDecl+
[8]    statement    ::=    directive | notStartAction
[9]    shapeExprDecl    ::=    shapeExprLabel (shapeExpression | "EXTERNAL")
If the "EXTERNAL" keyword is present, shapeExprDecl returns a ShapeDecl object whose shapeExpr is a ShapeExternal:
ShapeDecl{id:shapeExprLabel abstract:BOOL? shapeExpr: { type: "ShapeExternal" } }
  • abstract is true if "ABSTRACT" was matched.
otherwise shapeExprDecl returns a ShapeDecl object whose shapeExpr is a shapeExpression.
ShapeDecl{id:shapeExprLabel abstract:BOOL? shapeExpr: shapeExpr }
  • abstract is true if "ABSTRACT" was matched.

Shape expressions are logical combinations of shape atoms. Inline variants of shape expressions are used in tripleConstraints and are not permitted to have annotations or semantic actions.

[10]    shapeExpression    ::=    shapeOr
[11]    inlineShapeExpression    ::=    inlineShapeOr
[12]    shapeOr    ::=    shapeAnd ("OR" shapeAnd)*
[13]    inlineShapeOr    ::=    inlineShapeAnd ("OR" inlineShapeAnd)*
If the right shapeAnd matches one or more times, the result is a ShapeOr object with shapeExprs containing the first shapeAnd followed by the ordered list from the second shapeAnd:
ShapeOr{id:shapeExprLabel? shapeExprs:[shapeExpr{2,}] }
otherwise the result is the left shapeAnd.
[14]    shapeAnd    ::=    shapeNot ("AND" shapeNot)*
[15]    inlineShapeAnd    ::=    inlineShapeNot ("AND" inlineShapeNot)*
If the right shapeNot matches one or more times, the result is a ShapeAnd object with shapeExprs containing the first shapeNot followed by the ordered list from the second shapeNot:
ShapeAnd{id:shapeExprLabel? shapeExprs:[shapeExpr{2,}] }
otherwise the result is the left shapeNot.
[16]    shapeNot    ::=    "NOT"? shapeAtom
[17]    inlineShapeNot    ::=    "NOT"? inlineShapeAtom
If the left "NOT" matches, the result is a ShapeNot object with shapeExpr containing the shapeAtom:
ShapeNot{id:shapeExprLabel? shapeExpr:shapeExpr }
otherwise the result is the shapeAtom.

Shape atoms are shape references (indicated by "@"), definitions, or nested expressions.

[18]    shapeAtom    ::=       nonLitNodeConstraint shapeOrRef?
| litNodeConstraint
| shapeOrRef nonLitNodeConstraint?
| '(' shapeExpression ')'
| '.'
[19]    shapeAtomNoRef    ::=       nonLitNodeConstraint shapeOrRef?
| litNodeConstraint
| shapeDefinition nonLitNodeConstraint?
| '(' shapeExpression ')'
| '.'
[20]    inlineShapeAtom    ::=       nonLitNodeConstraint inlineShapeOrRef?
| litNodeConstraint
| inlineShapeOrRef nonLitNodeConstraint?
| '(' shapeExpression ')'
| '.'
[21]    shapeOrRef    ::=       shapeDefinition | shapeRef
[22]    inlineShapeOrRef    ::=       inlineShapeDefinition | shapeRef
[23]    shapeRef    ::=       ( ATPNAME_LN | ATPNAME_NS | '@' shapeExprLabel ) "EXACTLY"
ShapeExprRef { label: shapeExprLabel }
  • exact is true if the "EXACTLY" choice was matched.

Node constraints identify a (possibly infinite) set of matching RDF nodes.

[24]    litNodeConstraint    ::=       "LITERAL" xsFacet*
| datatype xsFacet*
| valueSet xsFacet*
| numericFacet+
[25]    nonLitNodeConstraint    ::=       nonLiteralKind stringFacet*
| stringFacet+
NodeConstraint{id:shapeExprLabel? nodeKind:("iri" | "bnode" | "nonliteral" | "literal")? datatype:IRIREF? xsFacet* values:[valueSetValue+]? }
[26]    nonLiteralKind    ::=    "IRI" | "BNODE" | "NONLITERAL"
[27]    xsFacet    ::=    stringFacet | numericFacet
xsFacet=stringFacet | numericFacet ;
[28]    stringFacet    ::=       stringLength INTEGER
[29]    stringLength    ::=    "LENGTH" | "MINLENGTH" | "MAXLENGTH"
stringFacet=(length|minlength|maxlength):INTEGER | pattern:STRING flags:STRING? ;
[30]    numericFacet    ::=       numericRange numericLiteral
| numericLength INTEGER
[32]    numericLength    ::=    "TOTALDIGITS" | "FRACTIONDIGITS"
numericFacet=(mininclusive|minexclusive|maxinclusive|maxexclusive):numericLiteral | (totaldigits|fractiondigits):INTEGER ;

Shape defintions associate a triple expression with a closed flag and a list of partially constrained (extra) predicates. Any predicate appearing in a triple expression is fully constrained unless it appears in the list of extras.

[33]    shapeDefinition    ::=    (extraPropertySet | "CLOSED")* '{' tripleExpression? '}' annotation* semanticActions
[34]    inlineShapeDefinition    ::=    (extraPropertySet | "CLOSED")* '{' tripleExpression? '}'
Shape{ extends:[shapeExprLabel]? closed:BOOL? extra:[IRIREF+]? expression:tripleExpr? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
  • closed is true if the "CLOSED" choice was matched one or more times.
  • extra is the set of IRIs matching the extraPropertySet production.
  • expression comes from the tripleExpression production.
  • annotations is the set of Annotations matching the annotation production.
  • semActs is the set of semantic actions matching the semanticActions production.
[35]    extraPropertySet    ::=    "EXTRA" predicate+

Triple expressions are arrangements of triple constraints.

[36]    tripleExpression    ::=    oneOfTripleExpr
[37]    oneOfTripleExpr    ::=    groupTripleExpr | multiElementOneOf
[38]    multiElementOneOf    ::=    groupTripleExpr ('|' groupTripleExpr)+
If the right groupTripleExpr matches one or more times, the result is a OneOf object with expressions containing the first groupTripleExpr followed by the ordered list from the second groupTripleExpr:
OneOf {id:tripleExprLabel? expressions:[tripleExpr{2,}] min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
otherwise the result is the left groupTripleExpr.
[40]    groupTripleExpr    ::=    singleElementGroup | multiElementGroup
[41]    singleElementGroup    ::=    unaryTripleExpr ';'?
[42]    multiElementGroup    ::=    unaryTripleExpr (';' unaryTripleExpr)+ ';'?
If the right unaryTripleExpr matches one or more times, the result is a EachOf object with expressions containing the first unaryTripleExpr followed by the ordered list from the second unaryTripleExpr:
EachOf {id:tripleExprLabel? expressions:[tripleExpr{2,}] min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
otherwise the result is the left unaryTripleExpr.
[43]    unaryTripleExpr    ::=       ('$' tripleExprLabel)? (tripleConstraint | bracketedTripleExpr)
| include
[44]    bracketedTripleExpr    ::=    '(' tripleExpression ')' cardinality? annotation* semanticActions

Triple constraints are matched against RDF triples.

[45]    tripleConstraint    ::=    senseFlags? predicate inlineShapeExpression cardinality? annotation* semanticActions
TripleConstraint{id:tripleExprLabel? inverse:BOOL? predicate:IRIREF valueExpr:shapeExpr? min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
[46]    cardinality    ::=    '*' | '+' | '?' | REPEAT_RANGE
In ShExJ, "*" is represented as -1, standing for the unbounded cardinality..
[47]    senseFlags    ::=    '^'

Value sets identify ranges of RDF nodes by explicit inclusion or by range (indicated by "~"). Ranges may include exclusions, which may also be ranges but must not in turn contain exclusions. A valueSetValue may be an objectValue or one of IriStem, IriStemRange, LiteralStem, LiteralStemRange, LanguageStem, LanguageStemRange, .

[48]    valueSet    ::=    '[' valueSetValue* ']'
[49]    valueSetValue    ::=    iriRange | literalRange | languageRange
| exclusion+
If "." matches and exclusion matches one or more times, all matched items must be consistently iri, literal, or language. valueSetValue returns either a IriStemRange, LiteralStemRange, or LanguageStemRange object with exclusions equal to the set of results of exclusion:
IriStemRange{stem:(IRIREF | Wildcard) exclusions:[IRIREF|IriStem +] }
LiteralStemRange{stem:(STRING | Wildcard) exclusions:[STRING|LiteralStem +] }
LanguageStemRange{stem:(LANGTAG | Wildcard) exclusions:[LANGTAG|LanguageStem +] }
If "~" matches with no exclusion, valueSetValue returns a Wildcard object:
Wildcard{/* empty */ }
[50]    exclusion    ::=    '.' (iriExclusion | literalExclusion | languageExclusion) +
[50.1]    iriExclusion    ::=    '-' iri '~'?
[50.2]    literalExclusion    ::=    '-' literal '~'?
[50.3]    languageExclusion    ::=    '-' LANGTAG '~'?
[51]    iriRange    ::=       iri ('~' iriExclusion*)?
If iri matches with no "~", iriRange returns iri.
If iri and "~" match with no iriExclusion, iriRange returns a IriStem object:
IriStem{stem:IRIREF }
If iri and "~" match and iriExclusion matches one or more times, iriRange returns a IriStemRange object with exclusions equal to the set of results of iriExclusion:
IriStemRange{stem:(IRIREF | Wildcard) exclusions:[IRIREF|IriStem +] }
[52]    iriExclusion    ::=    '-' iri '~'?
[53]    literalRange    ::=       literal ('~' literalExclusion*)?
If literal matches with no "~", literalRange returns literal.
If literal and "~" match with no literalExclusion, literalRange returns a LiteralStem object:
LiteralStem{stem:STRING }
If literal and "~" match and literalExclusion matches one or more times, literalRange returns a LiteralStemRange object with exclusions equal to the set of results of literalExclusion:
LiteralStemRange{stem:(STRING | Wildcard) exclusions:[STRING|LiteralStem +] }
[54]    literalExclusion    ::=    '-' literal '~'?
[55]    languageRange    ::=       LANGTAG ('~' languageExclusion*)?
| '@' '~' languageExclusion*
If LANGTAG matches with no "~" match , languageRange returns a Language object with languageTag equal to LANGTAG:
Language{languageTag:LANGTAG }
If LANGTAG and "~" match with no languageExclusion, languageRange returns a LanguageStem object:
LanguageStem{stem:LANGTAG }
If LANGTAG and "~" match and languageExclusion matches one or more times, languageRange returns a LanguageStemRange object with exclusions equal to the set of results of languageExclusion:
LanguageStemRange{stem:(LANGTAG | Wildcard) exclusions:[LANGTAG|LanguageStem +] }
If '@' '~' matched with no languageExclusion, languageRange returns a LanguageStemRange object with an empty stem:
LanguageStemRange{stem: "" }
If '@' '~' matched and languageExclusion matches one or more times, languageRange returns a LanguageStemRange object with an empty stem ad exclusions equal to the set of results of languageExclusion:
LanguageStemRange{stem: "" exclusions:[LANGTAG|LanguageStem +] }
[56]    languageExclusion    ::=    '-' LANGTAG '~'?

Triple expressions can include the shapeExpression in a shapeExprDecl.

[57]    include    ::=    '&' tripleExprLabel
Per the triple expression refrence requirement, tripleExprLabel property MUST appear in the schema's shapes map and the corresponding triple expression MUST be a Shape with a tripleExpr.
tripleExprRef=tripleExprLabel ;

Triple expressions can include annotations in the form of a tuple of a predicate and an iri or literal.

[58]    annotation    ::=    "//" predicate (iri | literal)
Annotation{predicate:IRIREF object:objectValue }

Triple expressions can include semantic actions consisting of an iri and an optional code string.

[59]    semanticActions    ::=    codeDecl*
[60]    codeDecl    ::=    '%' iri (CODE | '%')
SemAct{name:IRIREF code:STRING? }

The remaining productions come from the specifications for SPARQL and Turtle.

[13t]    literal    ::=    rdfLiteral | numericLiteral | booleanLiteral
[61]    predicate    ::=    iri | RDF_TYPE
[62]    datatype    ::=    iri
[63]    shapeExprLabel    ::=    iri | blankNode
[64]    tripleExprLabel    ::=    iri | blankNode
[16t]    numericLiteral    ::=    INTEGER | DECIMAL | DOUBLE
[65]    rdfLiteral    ::=    langString | string ("^^" datatype)?
returns: literal The literal has a lexical form of the first rule argument, String. If the '^^' iri rule matched, the datatype is iri and the literal has no language tag. If the langString rule matched, the datatype is rdf:langString and the language tag is extracted from langTag. If neither matched, the datatype is xsd:string and the literal has no language tag.
[134s]    booleanLiteral    ::=    "true" | "false"
returns: literal The literal has a lexical form of the true or false, depending on which matched the input, and a datatype of xsd:boolean.
[135s]    string    ::=       STRING_LITERAL1 | STRING_LITERAL_LONG1
[66]    langString    ::=       LANG_STRING_LITERAL1 | LANG_STRING_LITERAL_LONG1
[136s]    iri    ::=    IRIREF | prefixedName
[137s]    prefixedName    ::=    PNAME_LN | PNAME_NS
[138s]    blankNode    ::=    BLANK_NODE_LABEL


Terminals return:

  • the RDF abstract types IRI, lexical form, literal, language tag.
  • a string of unicode codepoints for CODE.
  • a repeat range for REPEAT_RANGE. A repeat range is a tuple of non-negative integers or a non-negative integer and a token for *.
[67]    <CODE>    ::=    "{" ([^%\\] | "\\" [%\\] | UCHAR)* "%" "}"
returns: a string of unicode codepointsThe characters between "{" and "%}" are taken, with the numeric escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of the IRI.
[68]    <REPEAT_RANGE>    ::=    "{" INTEGER ( "," (INTEGER | "*")? )? "}"
returns: repeat rangeThe base-10 numeric values of INTEGER are taken or a non-negative integer and an * token if "*" was matched.
[69]    <RDF_TYPE>    ::=    "a"
returns: IRI The iri is returned.
[18t]    <IRIREF>    ::=    "<" ([^#0000- <>\"{}|^`\\] | UCHAR)* ">"
returns: IRIThe characters between "<" and ">" are taken, with the numeric escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of the IRI. Relative IRI resolution is performed per Turtle Section 6.3.
[140s]    <PNAME_NS>    ::=    PN_PREFIX? ":"
returns: PREFIX When used in a prefixDecl production, the prefix is a potentially empty unicode string matching the first argument of the rule and serves as a key into the prefixes map.
returns: IRI When used elsewhere, the iri is the value in the prefixes map corresponding to the first argument of the rule.
[141s]    <PNAME_LN>    ::=    PNAME_NS PN_LOCAL
returns: IRI A potentially empty prefix is identified by the first token, PNAME_NS. The unicode string of the IRI is formed by unescaping the reserved characters [[!rfc7159]] in the second argument, PN_LOCAL, and concatenating this onto the namespace found in the prefixes map's entry for PNAME_NS.
[70]    <ATPNAME_NS>    ::=    "@" PNAME_NS
returns: IRI The iri is the value in the prefixes map corresponding to the second token of the rule.
[71]    <ATPNAME_LN>    ::=    "@" PNAME_LN
returns: IRI A potentially empty prefix is identified by the second token, PNAME_NS. The unicode string of the IRI is formed by unescaping the reserved characters [[!rfc7159]] in the third token, PN_LOCAL, and concatenating this onto the namespace found in the prefixes map's entry for PNAME_NS.
[72]    <REGEXP>    ::=    '/' ([^/\\\n\r]
     | '\\' [nrt\\|.?*+(){}$-\[\]^/]
     | UCHAR
    )+ '/' [smix]*
{pattern:STRING flags:STRING? }
returns: JSON objectpattern is a unicode string formed from the characters between the outermost '/'s by unescaping matches of '\\' '/' in the terminal pattern as well as the numeric escape sequences matched by UCHAR. The remaining escape sequences are included verbatim in pattern, e.g.
would become
flags is a sequence of the characters [smix] if any were matched. Otherwise no flags attribute is returned.
[142s]    <BLANK_NODE_LABEL>    ::=    "_:" (PN_CHARS_U | [0-9]) ((PN_CHARS | ".")* PN_CHARS)?
returns: blank nodeThe characters following the "_:" form a blank node identifier. This corresponds to any blank node in the input dataset that had the same label.
[145s]    <LANGTAG>    ::=    "@" ([a-zA-Z])+ ("-" ([a-zA-Z0-9])+)*
returns: language tagThe characters following the @ form the unicode string of the language tag.
[19t]    <INTEGER>    ::=    [+-]? [0-9]+
returns: literal The literal has a lexical form of the input string, and a datatype of xsd:integer.
[20t]    <DECIMAL>    ::=    [+-]? [0-9]* "." [0-9]+
returns: literal The literal has a lexical form of the input string, and a datatype of xsd:double.
[21t]    <DOUBLE>    ::=    [+-]? ([0-9]+ "." [0-9]* EXPONENT | "."? [0-9]+ EXPONENT)
returns: literal The literal has a lexical form of the input string, and a datatype of xsd:double.
[155s]    <EXPONENT>    ::=    [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+
[156s]    <STRING_LITERAL1>    ::=    "'" ([^'\\\n\r] | ECHAR | UCHAR)* "'"
returns: lexical formThe characters between the outermost "'"s are taken, with numeric and string escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form.
[157s]    <STRING_LITERAL2>    ::=    '"' ([^\"\\\n\r] | ECHAR | UCHAR)* '"'
returns: lexical formThe characters between the outermost '"'s are taken, with numeric and string escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form.
[158s]    <STRING_LITERAL_LONG1>    ::=    "'''" ( ("'" | "''")? ([^\\'\\] | ECHAR | UCHAR) )* "'''"
returns: lexical formThe characters between the outermost "'''"s are taken, with numeric and string escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form.
[159s]    <STRING_LITERAL_LONG2>    ::=    '"""' ( ('"' | '""')? ([^\"\\] | ECHAR | UCHAR) )* '"""'
returns: lexical formThe characters between the outermost '"""'s are taken, with numeric and string escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form.
[73]    <LANG_STRING_LITERAL1>    ::=    "'" ([^'\\\n\r] | ECHAR | UCHAR)* "'" LANGTAG
returns: lexical formThe characters between the outermost "'"s are taken, with numeric and string escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form. The trailing LANGTAG is used to create a language-tagged string.
[74]    <LANG_STRING_LITERAL2>    ::=    '"' ([^\"\\\n\r] | ECHAR | UCHAR)* '"' LANGTAG
returns: lexical formThe characters between the outermost '"'s are taken, with numeric and string escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form. The trailing LANGTAG is used to create a language-tagged string.
[75]    <LANG_STRING_LITERAL_LONG1>    ::=    "'''" ( ("'" | "''")? ([^\\'\\] | ECHAR | UCHAR) )* "'''" LANGTAG
returns: lexical formThe characters between the outermost "'''"s are taken, with numeric and string escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form. The trailing LANGTAG is used to create a language-tagged string.
[76]    <LANG_STRING_LITERAL_LONG2>    ::=    '"""' ( ('"' | '""')? ([^\"\\] | ECHAR | UCHAR) )* '"""' LANGTAG
returns: lexical formThe characters between the outermost '"""'s are taken, with numeric and string escape sequences unescaped, to form the unicode string of a lexical form. The trailing LANGTAG is used to create a language-tagged string.
[26t]    <UCHAR>    ::=       "\\u" HEX HEX HEX HEX
[160s]    <ECHAR>    ::=    "\\" [tbnrf\\\"\\']
[164s]    <PN_CHARS_BASE>    ::=       [A-Z] | [a-z]
| [#00C0-#00D6] | [#00D8-#00F6] | [#00F8-#02FF]
| [#0370-#037D] | [#037F-#1FFF]
| [#200C-#200D] | [#2070-#218F] | [#2C00-#2FEF]
| [#3001-#D7FF] | [#F900-#FDCF] | [#FDF0-#FFFD]
| [#10000-#EFFFF]
[165s]    <PN_CHARS_U>    ::=    PN_CHARS_BASE | "_"
[167s]    <PN_CHARS>    ::=       PN_CHARS_U | "-" | [0-9]
| [#00B7] | [#0300-#036F] | [#203F-#2040]
[168s]    <PN_PREFIX>    ::=    PN_CHARS_BASE ( (PN_CHARS | ".")* PN_CHARS )?
[77]    <PN_LOCAL>    ::=    (PN_CHARS_U | ":" | [0-9] | PLX) ((PN_CHARS | "." | ":" | PLX)* (PN_CHARS | ":" | PLX))?
[170s]    <PLX>    ::=    PERCENT | PN_LOCAL_ESC
[171s]    <PERCENT>    ::=    "%" HEX HEX
[172s]    <HEX>    ::=    [0-9] | [A-F] | [a-f]
[173s]    <PN_LOCAL_ESC>    ::=    "\\" ( "_" | "~" | "." | "-" | "!" | "$" | "&" | "'" | "(" | ")" | "*" | "+" | "," | ";" | "=" | "/" | "?" | "#" | "@" | "%" )
[98]    PASSED TOKENS    ::=       [ \t\r\n]+
| "#" [^\r\n]*
| "/*" ([^*] | '*' ([^/] | '\\/'))* "*/"

ShEx JSON Syntax (ShExJ)

This section aggregates the JSON grammar rules defined above and includes terminals referenced above.

A ShExJ document is a JSON-LD [[!JSON-LD]] document which uses a proscribed structure to define a schema containing shape expressions and triple expressions. A ShExJ document MAY include an @context property referencing In the absense of a top-level @context, ShEx Processors MUST act as if a @context property is present with the value

A ShExJ document can also be thought of as the serialization of an RDF Graph using the Shape Expression Vocabulary [[shex-vocab]] which conforms to the shape defined in . Processors MAY interpret a ShExJ document as an RDF Graph. Processors may also transform arbitrary RDF Graphs conforming to into ShExJ using a mechanism not described within this specification.

In ShExJ, the unbounded cardinality constraint is -1, rather than "*".

This is the complete grammar for ShExJ.

imports:[IRIREF+]? startActs:[SemAct+]? start:shapeExpr? shapes:[ShapeDecl+]? }
ShapeDecl{ id:shapeExprLabel abstract:BOOL? shapeExpr:shapeExpr | ShapeExternal }
shapeExpr = ShapeOr | ShapeAnd | ShapeNot | NodeConstraint | Shape | ShapeExprRef ;
ShapeOr { shapeExprs:[shapeExpr{2,}] }
ShapeAnd { shapeExprs:[shapeExpr{2,}] }
ShapeNot { shapeExpr:shapeExpr }
ShapeExternal { }
ShapeExprRef { label:shapeExprLabel exact:BOOL? }
shapeExprLabel = IRIREF | BNODE ;
NodeConstraint {id:shapeExprLabel? nodeKind:("iri" | "bnode" | "nonliteral" | "literal")? datatype:IRIREF? xsFacet* values:[valueSetValue+]? }
xsFacet =stringFacet | numericFacet ;
stringFacet =(length|minlength|maxlength):INTEGER | pattern:STRING flags:STRING? ;
numericFacet =(mininclusive|minexclusive|maxinclusive|maxexclusive):numericLiteral
|(totaldigits|fractiondigits):INTEGER ;
numericLiteral =INTEGER | DECIMAL | DOUBLE ;
valueSetValue=objectValue | IriStem | IriStemRange | LiteralStem | LiteralStemRange | Language | LanguageStem | LanguageStemRange ;
objectValue=IRIREF | ObjectLiteral ;
ObjectLiteral{value:STRING language:STRING? type:STRING? }
IriStem{stem:IRIREF }
IriStemRange{stem:(IRIREF | Wildcard) exclusions:[IRIREF|IriStem+]? }
LiteralStem{stem:STRING }
LiteralStemRange{stem:(STRING | Wildcard) exclusions:[STRING|LiteralStem+]? }
Language{languageTag:LANGTAG }
LanguageStem{stem:(LANGTAG | EMPTY) }
LanguageStemRange{stem:(LANGTAG | EMPTY) exclusions:[LANGTAG|LanguageStem+]? }
Wildcard {/* empty */ }
Shape {extends:[shapeExprRef]? closed:BOOL? extra:[IRIREF+]? expression:tripleExpr? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
tripleExpr =EachOf | OneOf | TripleConstraint | tripleExprRef ;
EachOf {id:tripleExprLabel? expressions:[tripleExpr{2,}] min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
OneOf {id:tripleExprLabel? expressions:[tripleExpr{2,}] min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
TripleConstraint {id:tripleExprLabel? inverse:BOOL? predicate:IRIREF valueExpr:shapeExpr? min:INTEGER? max:INTEGER? semActs:[SemAct+]? annotations:[Annotation+]? }
tripleExprRef =tripleExprLabel ;
tripleExprLabel =IRIREF | BNODE ;
SemAct{name:IRIREF code:STRING? }
Annotation{predicate:IRIREF object:objectValue }
# TerminalsThese follow the rules for terminals in the XML 1.0 5th Edition
#Turtle IRIREF without enclosing "<>"s
IRIREF :(PN_CHARS | '.' | ':' | '/' | '\\' | '#' | '@' | '%' | '&' | UCHAR)* ;
BNODE :'_:' (PN_CHARS_U | [0-9]) ((PN_CHARS | '.')* PN_CHARS)? ;
#JSON boolean values
BOOL :"true" | "false" ;
INTEGER :[+-]? [0-9] + ;
DECIMAL :[+-]? [0-9]* '.' [0-9] + ;
#Turtle DOUBLE
DOUBLE :[+-]? ([0-9] + '.' [0-9]* EXPONENT | '.' [0-9]+ EXPONENT | [0-9]+ EXPONENT) ;
#BCP47 Language-Tag
LANGTAG :[a-zA-Z]+ ('-' [a-zA-Z0-9]+)* ;
#any JSON string
STRING :.* ;
#empty string
EMPTY :^$ ;
# ComponentsThese terminals are referenced by other terminals but not by external productions.
PN_CHARS_BASE :  [A-Z] | [a-z] | [\u00C0-\u00D6] | [\u00D8-\u00F6]
| [\u00F8-\u02FF] | [\u0370-\u037D] | [\u037F-\u1FFF]
| [\u200C-\u200D] | [\u2070-\u218F] | [\u2C00-\u2FEF]
| [\u3001-\uD7FF] | [\uF900-\uFDCF] | [\uFDF0-\uFFFD]
| [\u10000-\uEFFFF] ;
PN_CHARS :PN_CHARS_U | '-' | [0-9] | '\u00B7' | [\u0300-\u036F] | [\u203F-\u2040] ;
HEX :[0-9] | [A-F] | [a-f] ;
EXPONENT :[eE] [+-]? [0-9]+ ;

RDF Representation of ShEx (ShExR)

A ShExR graph is any RDF Graph which conforms to the following shapes schema and meets the Schema Requirements. Every ShExR document is graph isomorphic[[!rdf11-concepts]] to the RDF serialization[[!json-ld]] of some ShExJ document.

IANA Considerations

This section has been submitted to the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) for review, approval, and registration with IANA.


Type name:
Subtype name:
Required parameters:
Optional parameters:
Encoding considerations:
8-bit text
ShEx Compact Syntax (ShExC) is a text language which is encoded in UTF-8.
Security considerations:
Given that ShExC allows the substitution of long IRIs with short terms, ShExC documents may expand considerably when processed and, in the worst case, the resulting data might consume all of the recipient's resources. Applications should treat any data with due skepticism.
Interoperability considerations:
Not Applicable
Published specification:
Applications that use this media type:
Any programming environment that requires the exchange of directed graphs. Implementations of ShEx have been created for JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Java.
Fragment Identifier Considerations:
The structure of a ShEx schema is defined by its representation in JSON per ShEx JSON Syntax (ShExJ). The JSON-LD context <> defines the RDF representation (ShExR) for every ShEx schema. A ShEx fragment identifies an instance of either the shapeExpr or tripleExpr ShExJ productions, as well as the RDF resource (see RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax §6 [[RDF11-CONCEPTS]]) in the corresponding ShExR.
Restrictions on Usage:
Provisional Registrations:
Not Applicable
Additional information:
Deprecated alias names for this type:
Magic number(s):
File extension(s):
Macintosh file type code(s):
Intended usage:
Other Information & Comments:
Contact Person:
Contact Name:
Eric Prud'hommeaux
Contact Email Address:
Change controller:

Security Considerations

Revealing the structure of an RDF graph can reveal information about the content of conformant data. For instance, a schema with a predicate to describe cancer stage indicates that conforming graphs describe patients with cancer.

The process of testing a graph's conformance to a schema may involve many detailed queries which could draw resources to respond to API calls or SPARQL queries.

ShEx has an extension mechanism which can, in principle, evalute arbitrary code, possibly as some trusted agent. Such extensions should not be executed if they don't come from a trusted source.

Since ShEx is intended to be a pure data exchange format for validating RDF graphs, the ShExJ serialization SHOULD NOT be passed through a code execution mechanism such as JavaScript's eval() function to be parsed. An (invalid) document may contain code that, when executed, could lead to unexpected side effects compromising the security of a system.

See also, .